Source code for expander

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
""" this is the pyexpander application.

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, consider-using-f-string

from optparse import OptionParser # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
import os.path
import sys

import pyexpander.lib as pyexpander

# version of the program:
__version__= "2.1.2" #VERSION#

assert __version__==pyexpander.__version__

[docs]def check_encoding(encoding): """check if the encoding name is valid.""" try: pyexpander.test_encoding(encoding) return except LookupError: pass url="" sys.exit(("unknown encoding name: %s, see %s for a " "list of known encodings") % (repr(encoding), repr(url)))
[docs]def process_files(options,args): """process all the command line options.""" # pylint: disable= too-many-branches my_globals={} if options.eval is not None: for expr in options.eval: # pylint: disable=W0122 exec(expr, my_globals) # pylint: enable=W0122 filelist= [] if options.file is not None: filelist= options.file if len(args)>0: # extra arguments filelist.extend(args) encoding= pyexpander.INPUT_DEFAULT_ENCODING if options.encoding: check_encoding(options.encoding) # may exit the program encoding= options.encoding pyexpander.INPUT_DEFAULT_ENCODING= options.encoding output_encoding= pyexpander.SYS_DEFAULT_ENCODING if options.output_encoding: check_encoding(options.output_encoding) # may exit the program output_encoding= options.output_encoding if not filelist: # no files given, read from stdin filelist= [None] # None: read from stdin print_mode= "full" if options.dump: print_mode= "repr" if options.deps: print_mode= "none" file_deps= {} for f in filelist: # all files are expanded in a single scope: my_globals, my_file_deps= \ pyexpander.expandFile(f, encoding, my_globals, options.simple_vars, options.auto_continuation, options.auto_indent, options.include, options.no_stdin_msg, output_encoding, print_mode) # merge all file dependencies: pyexpander.merge_dependecies(file_deps, my_file_deps) if options.deps: pyexpander.print_dependencies(file_deps)
[docs]def script_shortname(): """return the name of this script without a path component.""" return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
[docs]def main(): """The main function. parse the command-line options and perform the command """ # command-line options and command-line help: usage = "usage: %prog [options] {files}" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%%prog %s" % __version__, description="expands macros in a file "+\ "with pyexpander.") parser.add_option("--summary", action="store_true", help="Print a summary of the function of the program.", ) parser.add_option("-f", "--file", action="append", type="string", help="Specify a FILE to process. This " "option may be used more than once " "to process more than one file but note " "than this option is not really needed. " "Files can also be specified directly after " "the other command line options. If not given, " "the program gets it's input from stdin.", metavar="FILE" ) parser.add_option("--encoding", action="store", type="string", help="Specify the ENCODING for the file(s) " "that are read.", metavar="ENCODING" ) parser.add_option("--output-encoding", action="store", type="string", help="Specify the OUTPUTENCODING for the " "created output.", metavar="OUTPUTENCODING" ) parser.add_option("--eval", action="append", type="string", help="Evaluate PYTHONEXPRESSION in global context.", metavar="PYTHONEXPRESSION" ) parser.add_option("-I", "--include", action="append", type="string", help="Add PATH to the list of include paths.", metavar="PATH" ) parser.add_option("-s", "--simple-vars", action="store_true", help="Allow variables without brackets.", ) parser.add_option("-a", "--auto-continuation", action="store_true", help="Assume '\' at the end of lines with commands", ) parser.add_option("-i", "--auto-indent", action="store_true", help="Automatically indent macros.", ) parser.add_option("--no-stdin-msg", action="store_true", help= "Do not print a message on stderr when the " "program is reading it's input from stdin." ) parser.add_option("--deps", action="store_true", help= "Print dependencies due to $include commands " "in a makefile compatible format." ) parser.add_option("-d", "--dump", action="store_true", help="Dump list of strings instead of printing to the " "console, this is for debugging only.", ) # x= sys.argv (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # options: the options-object # args: list of left-over args if options.summary: print_summary() sys.exit(0) process_files(options,args) sys.exit(0)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()